Are you an adventurous, front-end developer that is excited about all the new capabilities in browser tech? Is the thought of building UI interfaces that are fun, effective and maybe even legitimate works of art inspirational? If given the chance, could you build something amazing? Or maybe you’ve already done that and want to do it again – even moar bigger & moar amazin’.
We are a determined (funded) start-up working to reinvent the way insights into human behaviors and opinions are collected and understood. Innovative, intuitive visualization around consumer insight and perceptions is one of our key business differentiators. We're working in the latest, sexiest technologies including BIG DATA. We know it's a buzz word for most. For us, it's real and we're in those trenches every day.
The perfect UI leader will have a software engineering and/or a computer science background as you’ll be responsible for all front-end architecture and decisions. You’ll need strong desktop / pad experience, our application is not an app on a mobile device. Solid, advanced core coding skills are essential; you’ll be directing a small team but your hands are gonna get super dirty also.
Speaking of design…. You’ll have to be able to work well with designers (UI/UX/graphic) so you’ll have to communicate well with those type of folks. Any personal experience in those areas is obviously a big plus.